You do not have to use the standardized AIA G702
There are a wide variety of pay application templates out there. You do not have to use the standardized AIA G702, just make sure your Pay App form includes all the information required and all calculations are correct. The PAYearned g702 solution allows you to track your progress with multiple Pay Apps and automatically performs all calculations with accuracy; providing you the best opportunity to have your submitted Pay App approved without delay or dispute.
Turnaround on your submitted AIA G702
Applications for payment are delayed when mistakes and or calculation errors are made on the continuation sheet. Miss a Pay App deadline and you will wait until the next pay period to get paid.
Be thorough and detailed when submitting applications for payment AIA G702
The more thorough and detailed you present your application for payment, and continuation sheet the more likely the owner or GC will immediately approve the request for payment
Change orders to the application for payment
Always get your change orders any material stored requests approved